The BDP Experience / Experience BDP
BDP People taking very good care of BDP customers!
Join us in congratulating BDP employees spotlighted by the
BDP International Employee Recognition and Customer Service Awards program- Recognized Service Excellence.

Please take a moment to scroll through
each award winner's Letter of Thanks / Service Excellence testimonials.

Contact us to submit a nomination or to request the BDP Recognized Service Excellence guidelines at

Mary Ann Orozco - BDP North America-US (Los Angeles)

Ocean Export Manager
BDP Outstanding Customer Service Award Winner
On January 27, Mary Ann Orozco, Manager, Ocean Export - BDP Los Angeles-US will be recognized with a BDP Outstanding Customer Service Award from an extraordinary Service Excellence testimonial submitted by Ziecor International president, John Cannon.
Why My Business is with BDP International
Kenneth Cloud, Managing Director
Due to the very nature of our business, we are always going to encounter problems or the unexpected, no matter if it is an internal issue or a supply chain issue.

We fix problems. This is what we do.

Not surprisingly, our customers have high expectations of us, even beyond what might be seriously considered attainable. When I was a customer of BDP, it was all about the service and taking it personal.

Often, when we talk with customers about setting KPIs or expectations, the words ‘flawless execution” come out. That is not a reality in our industry. ‘Flawless,’ by the nature of our business, is elusive. You are only as good as your last shipment and things inevitably go bump in the night.

Recently, we received a letter from one of our clients, which illustrates the challenges we face and how we respond. I believe it gets to the essence of BDP and the service we provide. It truly summarizes the BDP Experience.

The letter from the president of one of our clients says we had a problem and we corrected it. Here are some excerpts. Many thanks to Maryann Orozco, Export Manager, BDP Los Angeles for her excellent work.

We all want things to run smoothly, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Mistakes are made, clients get upset, fingers are pointed. It’s not fun for anyone.

Can one person make a difference? Yes they can.

I appreciate that Mary Ann makes me feel like my business, although small compared with some, is still important to her and to BDP nonetheless. I appreciate her efforts to make things run smoothly for me and to work with her teammates to get my freight out when I need it. I appreciate that she knows my business well enough to help me accomplish my goals, even when I can’t be reached for a consultation, opinion or instruction. She tries hard, and most of the time, she’s right on target. I appreciate that and I appreciate her. I just wanted to let you know.

The letter reinforces that we really do care. It should also challenge each of us to remember that and to always focus on doing the right things.

Regardless of the severity of a problem, it is how you fix the issue that shows you care. That really stays with a customer. It is what generated this letter. The way BDP dealt with an issue made a big difference for the customer. It also shows that the true spirit and success of BDP is based on how our employees elect to act when problems arise.