The BDP Experience / Experience BDP
BDP People taking very good care of BDP customers!
Join us in congratulating BDP employees spotlighted by the
BDP International Employee Recognition and Customer Service Awards program- Recognized Service Excellence.

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each award winner's Letter of Thanks / Service Excellence testimonials.

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Jenn Davies - BDP Philadelphia Airport, USA

Team Leader - Johnson & Johnson Ocean Export
Celebrating 15 Years of BDP Service in November 2009
Outstanding Customer Service Award Winner

Richard J. Bolte, President & CEO – BDP International, Inc. nominated Jenn Davies, Team Leader – Johnson & Johnson Ocean Exports, Philadelphia Airport Office-US, as a Recognized Service Excellence award recipient for her efforts on the Johnson & Johnson account.

Closing the gap for Continuous Performance Improvement
The BDP Johnson & Johnson Team has been working very closely with Johnson & Johnson to customize and re-configure a daily BDPSmart report to more effectively manage its export documentation, including immediate visibility of EDOX file status by shipment. The daily report delivers a “snapshot” of the ocean export documents scheduled for EDOX distribution on a specific day and posted to BDPSmart.

Part of the continuous quality improvement effort includes weekly conference calls to:

1. Discuss BDPSmart report modifications for immediate visibility of documentations status for criteria exports. For example, BDP expanded the search range in which customers can access data and recent EDOX postings.

The report is being drilled-down deeper to access data by reference number, country, and / or region, which facilitates "easy sorting and identification of their shipments” reported Mick Chianese, Global Transportation Organization - Johnson & Johnson Sales & Logistics Company LLC.

2. Determine respective Johnson & Johnson contacts, to receive EDOX email files and communications by consignee and / or Johnson & Johnson affiliate. BDP reviews and updates Customer Profiles and email addresses to meet Johnson & Johnson’s documentation specifications.

Jenn is closing the gap for improved documentation distribution performance in part through the weekly partnering calls with Johnson & Johnson. Jenn noted, “Our scheduled weekly meetings with Johnson & Johnson are going quite well. This far, we had no systems, documentation or human error issues to report. And J&J is making use of the daily reports we supply, looking to expand their usage to all of the areas. We were also able to identify and share carrier performance issues which J&J will now be better able to address.”

Aiming for Perfection
BDP has also added a layer of audits to ensure documentation compliance. Jenn reviews each shipment on the daily report to ensure BDPSmart report data is a 100% match to the confirmed EDOX packages in the queue for distribution.

“I am happy to report the technology and processes are fine. Additionally, all files are within criteria and any backlog was eliminated. We will present ideas that add a layer of audits to ensure perfection relative to our documentation processes. We need to be extra careful with all shipments and paperwork. Everyone here is aware of the importance of this. We will work diligently to build upon J&J’s trust in our processes.”

Richard J. Bolte Jr. - President & CEO
BDP International, Inc.

Thanks for a Job Well Done!
Jenn’s efforts were further supported by John M. Bolte, Global Chief Operating Officer – BDP International, Inc. adding, “as usual, you did a great job. Thanks to the entire BDP J&J team for a job well done! “

Looking ahead, BDP and Johnson & Johnson will implement the EDOX file distribution processes utilizing BDPSmart technology to Johnson & Johnson's global affiliates once the daily report and Customer Profiles are finalized and thoroughly tested to perfection.