Celebrating 9 Years of BDP Service in 2009
Outstanding Customer Service Award Winner
Robin's award presentation at BDP SABIC, Huntersville, NC-USA
(Left to Right) Matt Weinraub, Manager of Strategic Accounts - BDP SABIC, USA; Robin Elenbaas; and Mike Connors, Regional Director - BDP Charlotte, USA
Service Excellence Overview
In May 2009, Robin Elenbaas, Import Coordinator – BDP/SABIC on-site will be presented with an Outstanding Customer Service Award for her exceptional contributions to SABIC’s 10+2 / Import Security Filing (ISF) processes. The nomination was based on a recent SABIC email acknowledging the company’s 90% on-time ISF data submission performance!
Robin “owns” SABIC’s ISF process for each and every ocean import order. She runs three reports each morning for instant visibility of orders requiring ISF data; analyzes and seeks out the time sensitive data; then notifies the respective SABIC coordinators to provide the requested information.
“There were concerns and challenges when ISF was first implemented, remarked Matt Weinraub-Manager of Strategic Accounts-BDP/SABIC, and Robin pro-actively sought out discrepant or missing import data and followed through with each inquiry until resolution. The 90% on-time ISF success SABIC is experiencing today, can be attributed to Robin’s outstanding efforts: She’s the point person for successful data management and communications.”
Mike Connors, Regional Director-Charlotte, emphasized the outstanding efforts by noting, “To have the customer recognize and appreciate that our results are at a level double the current industry standard is terrific. Keep up the great work.”
In May 2009, Robin Elenbaas, Import Coordinator – BDP/SABIC on-site will be presented with an Outstanding Customer Service Award for her exceptional contributions to SABIC’s 10+2 / Import Security Filing (ISF) processes. The nomination was based on a recent SABIC email acknowledging the company’s 90% on-time ISF data submission performance!
Robin “owns” SABIC’s ISF process for each and every ocean import order. She runs three reports each morning for instant visibility of orders requiring ISF data; analyzes and seeks out the time sensitive data; then notifies the respective SABIC coordinators to provide the requested information.
“There were concerns and challenges when ISF was first implemented, remarked Matt Weinraub-Manager of Strategic Accounts-BDP/SABIC, and Robin pro-actively sought out discrepant or missing import data and followed through with each inquiry until resolution. The 90% on-time ISF success SABIC is experiencing today, can be attributed to Robin’s outstanding efforts: She’s the point person for successful data management and communications.”
Mike Connors, Regional Director-Charlotte, emphasized the outstanding efforts by noting, “To have the customer recognize and appreciate that our results are at a level double the current industry standard is terrific. Keep up the great work.”
Years of BDP Service
Robin’s career began in 2000 as an Import Coordinator in the BDP Grand Rapids-US office before relocating to the BDP/SABIC office. She was interested in a change and new career opportunities when BDP gained the SABIC business in May 2008. Robin’s work at BDP/SABIC began as an import entry coordinator in 2008; where she was then very enthusiastic to accept the new ISF challenges and responsibilities ahead of her.
Words of Thanks from SABIC Innovative Plastics
Per the attached US Customs report card on 10+2/ISF, where CBP had a match versus carrier data SABIC Innovative Plastics had 90%+ on-time across our importing entities. CBP benchmark from the importing community is ~45% for the highest-volume Tier 3 CTPAT importers and less than 30% for non-Tier 3 importers...less than half our performance level. We should all be proud of the standards we are setting with our process!
I'm sure over the next week or so we'll get a chance to digest this data and compare to the details Robin and the team have been keeping to look at how we can continuously improve to get to zero defects before the financial penalties begin, but let's take a moment to celebrate and say "hooray team!" Special thanks to Kay, Pat, Livia and Robin for making sure we've got a solid process with line of site to closing the remaining gaps. Nice job guys! Thanks.
Cynthia Roberts - Global Trade Compliance Leader
SABIC Innovative Plastics - Massachusetts, USA