A celebration of BDP teamwork and customer solutions!
The Le Havre team with Thierry Seutin, Country Manager - BDP France.
The BDP Le Havre team pictured with Thierry Seutin, Country Manager France;
Yves Letange, Managing Director Western Europe; and John Bolte, Global Chief Operating Officer..
Charlotte Lemardeley, Exxon Coordinator - Le Havre, BDP France displays the BDP Customer Service Pledge.
Last May, ExxonMobil Europe shared impressive comments about BDP and our talented people to BDP International Global Chief Operating Officer John M. Bolte-
"On behalf of all of BDP I want to thank you for your kind praise of our services, our technology, and more importantly, our people.
We are very proud to be a global partner of ExxonMobil for international logistics. As a result of your comments, and those of your colleagues, Thierry, Penelope, and the entire BDP-ExxonMobil team in France has been nominated for Recognized Service Excellence Awards. I will be presenting them, personally, in late June or early July during my next trip to Europe."
It was my pleasure to meet you. Once again, thanks for supporting our partnership!"
John M. Bolte, Global Chief Operating Officer - BDP International, Inc.
In July, BDP Le Havre organized a special happy hour celebration for John’s visit –on a roof-top deck at BDP Le Havre- with hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and a TV to enjoy the World Cup. "The BDP Le Havre team was honored to have John visit the office, said Penelope, and everyone had a lot fun.”
“When John awarded us -with BDP Recognized Service Excellence Awards- for what we have done for ExxonMobil said Penelope, the recognition was awarded to the entire BDP Le Havre team for the great job. There are seven BDP Le Havre individuals dedicated to the ExxonMobil Europe account. ExxonMobil Europe mentioned to John that BDP has gone ‘above their expectations’. Implementing this kind of business is not easy” said Penelope.
BDP International began the RFQ process one year ago, and we were awarded our first shipment in March 2010 for one ExxonMobil division; six months after we began developing the business implementation plan.
ExxonMobil is located in Prague, the Czech Republic and its main manufacturing plant is in Le Havre, France. The business is centralized in BDP Le Havre as a BDP Center of Excellence for the account. "We had the opportunity to gain the business due to our commitment to excellence and technology for continuous freight visibility. We are the single point of contact for the entire ExxonMobil Europe business” said Penelope.
BDP Outstanding Customer Service – Team Dedication Award Recipients from BDP International S.A.S.
Paris, BDP France
Thierry Seutin – Country Manager France
Le Havre, BDP France
Penelope Virag - Station Manager
Marie Laure Latter - LLP Operation Manager
Isabelle Roux - Exxon Team Leader
Stephanie Leroy - LLP Team Leader
Laetitia Thieullen - General Cargo Team Leader
Raphael Christine - General Cargo Coordinator
Fabien Lefevre - LLP Coordinator
Valerie Maesen - LLP Coordinator
Kevin Beaudoin - LLP Coordinator
Corinne Marie - General Cargo Operation Manager
Charlotte Lemardeley - Exxon Coordinator
Justine Caumont - Exxon Coordinator
Frederic Sautreuil - Customs Manager
Cedric Malandain - Customs Team Leader
Thomas Pouliquen - Customs Clerk
Did you know?
Eighty-five percent (85%) of the ExxonMobil business coordinated by the BDP European Union is exported from France for its worldwide customers. BDP Le Havre coordinates sea freight shipments through BDP offices in the Netherlands (Rotterdam), Belgium (Antwerp), and Italy. Airfreight shipments are coordinated through BDP Paris (Roissy-CDG) and BDP Brussels (BRU).
Stay tuned for an in depth feature story highlighting the ExxonMobil and BDP European Union partnership in an upcoming DataDay newsletter.
Special thanks to Penelope Virag, Station Manager - Le Havre, BDP France for developing this story and sharing pictures!