The BDP Experience / Experience BDP
BDP People taking very good care of BDP customers!
Join us in congratulating BDP employees spotlighted by the
BDP International Employee Recognition and Customer Service Awards program- Recognized Service Excellence.

Please take a moment to scroll through
each award winner's Letter of Thanks / Service Excellence testimonials.

Contact us to submit a nomination or to request the BDP Recognized Service Excellence guidelines at

BDP Latin America and Dow Chemical Accolades

Calculated Actions Yield Outstanding Results

"Please thank the entire team of behalf of our ownership and our global operations.
Keep up the great work!
John Bolte, Global Chief Operating Officer - BDP International, Inc.

In May, the BDP Dow Chemical teams in BDP Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires received an impressive compliment for their important participation in the consolidation of our services to Dow Brasil and Argentina. As a direct result of each team's performance, John Bolte, Global Chief Operating Officer - BDP International formally acknowledged each contributor as a Recognized Service Excellence recipient!

"Thank you for sharing this feedback. BDP is building a powerful brand
in this marketplace, and this kind of feedback confirms that we are right on track."
Roberto Croce, General Manager - BDP International Brasil

BDP International Chief Financial Officer Frank Osusky recently attended a treasury conference in Miami, FL-US, and one of the attendees and panel member was the South America region Treasurer for Dow, who covers all of South America. Frank's summary of their conversation is provided:

"His name was Patricio Milic and I introduced myself to him and right on recognition he knew of BDP and the handling of Dow business not only in Argentina but also in Brasil. He paid tribute to BDP in how we handle business for them, because in the matter of Duties it is not a business friendly environment in addition to being unforgiving.
Patricio passed on that we were doing well in this environment, and I wished to pass on to you those words, because we all know 'nothing happens by accident.' All your energy, intelligence and good old elbow grease is paying off for BDP in enhancing the BDP reputation.

Job well done to you and to all of your BDP colleagues. Be proud of your actions and results."

Frank Osusky, Chief Financial Officer
BDP International, Inc.
BDP Dow team - Sao Paulo, BDP Brasil

BDP RSE awards presented by Roberto Croce, General Manager - BDP Brasil (center).

Marcia Silva - Account Manager
Pedro Mello - Regional Account Manager
Anderson Oliveira - IT Manager
Nivio Ventura - Customs Broker Manager

BDP Dow team - Buenos Aires, BDP Argentina

BDP RSE awards presented by Adrian Kornmacher, General Manager - BDP Argentina (far left).

Fabian Murua - Import Coordinator-Dow Quimica
Diego Gonzalez - Account Manager
Julio Vacca - Financial Coordinator
Jorge Rojas - Export Coordinator
Marina Cabello - Export Coordinator
Congratulations and Thank You to the BDP Dow teams in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo
for your Outstanding Peformance!