The BDP Experience / Experience BDP
BDP People taking very good care of BDP customers!
Join us in congratulating BDP employees spotlighted by the
BDP International Employee Recognition and Customer Service Awards program- Recognized Service Excellence.

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each award winner's Letter of Thanks / Service Excellence testimonials.

Contact us to submit a nomination or to request the BDP Recognized Service Excellence guidelines at

Eugene Lillis, BDP/Project Logistics - Philadelphia, USA

Project Manager
Outstanding Customer Service Award Winner
Dennis Devlin - Director, Global Projects & Energy, BDP/Project Logistics (USA) nominated Eugene with an Outstanding Customer Service Award based on his Service Excellence solutions to a complex global trade issue and for his role as a leading intermediary between the Order Party and the USPPI.
Service Excellence Testimonial
Eugene Lillis, Project Manager – BDP/Project Logistics (Philadelphia, USA) will be presented with an Outstanding Customer Service Award on March 31 for his contributions to jointly resolve an export compliance issue at the “11th hour – a problem not encountered in all of our previous shipments” as noted by one of DuPont’s suppliers in the US.

Eugene received unsolicited, complimentary comments regarding his “terrific analysis” and for explaining the [compliance] situation in a way that finally makes some sense” commented Albert Hanks, Executive Buyer, DuPont Sourcing & Logistics - E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company.

In short, the elevated issue was between the Order Party and the legal US Principal Party of Interest (USPPI). The supplier, also the USPPI for the original two exports, had challenged the USPPI party on the third and final export. All parties, including BDP, were closely communicating with US Census to determine the final ruling of the legal, USPPI party for the third export shipment.

Previous shipments were also at stake for AES submission amendments by BDP and the Order Party to the U.S. Census Bureau / Foreign Trade Division contingent on the final ruling for the third shipment.

Final Outcome
Eugene summarized the situation and offered recommendations to address to the USPPI issue and liabilities of each. As it turned out, Census determined that the original supplier, as stated on the previous two shipments, was indeed the legal, USPPI.
"I still appreciates all [Eugene] did to line up an alternative solution for us and pursue the details of this situation. I also think this favorable outcome probably had to do with your contacts with the vendor, and so further, to that work we all really appreciate your help and support in reconciling this situation.”

Albert Hanks - DuPont Sourcing & Logistics
DuPont Project Engineering Center
Eugene’s consultative approach to DuPont and its supplier, in addition to sharing his shipment knowledge on several conference calls with the supplier and Census, was one part of the approach that resulted in a favorable outcome for all parties.

Thank you, Eugene, for clearly communicating the obstacles and liabilities for each party to reach an agreeable and legally sound resolution that would keep the time sensitive and high profile export moving along as scheduled.